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Traditions of Latin Weddings

By December 16, 2023 No Comments

Many of us want to add practices that honor our traditions and tradition on our wedding day, whether or not we’re getting married. And despite the differences between numerous different Spanish American ethnicities, there are also some cherished customs that can be incorporated into a festival or greeting.

The siguiente noche and the tornaboda, where guests throw rice or bird seeds at the newlyweds as they leave their church or civil ceremony, are some examples of latin wedding customs, including the el lazo ( a figure eight-shaped lasso that is placed around the bride and groom’s shoulders during a mass to symbolize eternity and unity ), as well as the el lazo ( a figure eight-shaped lasso that is placed around the bride and groom’

The bride’s mother will place the veil on the bride as she walks down the aisle in a classic Catholic marriage, and she will next pray or read a passing from Scripture. The bride also typically selects padrinos ( godparents ) to provide financial support for the lazo and arras

While it might be a little more fashionable for couples to send their guests off with a doughnut bar at the end of the night, Latin Americans have done it for years ( they’re just way ahead of Pinterest ). The groom likely provide his new woman 13 gold coins, known as new arras, that represent Jesus and His 12 apostles and their commitment to help her in their wedding.

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